Monthly Group Meet - September '21
E-YARD (RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders East Yorkshire) monthly group meeting took place on Wednesday 22 September 2021 at the Beverley...
Pippa Advances Herself
Wednesady 8 September 2021 + Versys X 300 + a Pippa Unwin Result? E-YARD have a newly quailified Advanced Tutor! E-YARD (RoSPA Advanced...
Silence of the the LAMBs - Nah!
The inaugural LAMBS rideout took place on Sunday 12 September. Organised by Rosie, E-YARD Advanced Motorcycle Tutor (RoSPA Advanced...
Tutor Training - Scotland '21
Three years since the last opportunity to run a residential Tutor Training Course for E-YARD (RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders East...
Miles Kingsport Deal!
From 1 September 2021 paid up members of E-YARD (RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders East Yorkshire) are able to benefit from a discount...