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Spring Treasure Hunt - Pt 2!

The long awaited Part Deux of the E-YARD Treasure Hunt spectacular!

As you will be aware, Dave, Chritine and Pippa put together a couple of great days to kick off the 2022 season of E-YARD social events. Here's how it panned out!

Well done and thank you to everyone that took part, now all the photos and questions have been looked at and scored, the team scores are…….

Julian and Pauline Taylor scored 11 points, they managed to visit 3 of the destinations, talked themselves out of the remaining 2 which they would have been correct.

Kelvin and Julie, scored 11 points, they managed to visit 4 of the 5 destinations, but missed the finishing line, and left myself, Pippa and Dave sat outside of Seaways Café for over 2 hours – it was freezing and we still had to ride home!

“The Lollipopping Landlubbers” (Paul Morton, Guy Gregory, Andy Jenkinson and team captain Rod McAndrew) good old auto correct on messages eh! They scored 14 ½ points, they managed to visit 4 out of the 5 clues correctly (but had one of the best group photos taken) wrong destination for the clue, they disagree though! They even had their own team sticker!

This, however, did earn them a bonus point!

IIn 3rd place was Dave Pattenden, his wife and grandchildren. Although, due to other commitments, they didn’t manage to get to all of their destinations, but with an impressive 15 ½ points.

n 2nd place was Dave Richards and his wife Dawn, with 16 points. They managed to get all of their clues correct again, but Jo and Julian just pipped them to the post on the highway code questions!

And the winning team……Julian Burton and Jo Dockeray with a staggering 17 points. They managed to solve every clue and have their photos, with each member of their team in the photos. Well done!

Thanks everyone for taking part, it was hard going putting this together, a lot of miles driven in scary weather conditions but it was worth it to see everyone enjoy their day and visit places they wouldn’t normally visit. We hope we can get a 2nd one put together for late summer, and hopefully have more teams join us


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