September Review
September started where August left off...Hot'n'Sunny!
A glorious day blessed the September Breakfast Club ride out.
Setting off from Beverley and heading to deepest Lincolnshire, E-YARD members were again joined by guests from the North Yorkshire group, Pippa Unwin and Malcolm L
A decision was made by the committee to appoint a Vice Chair and Jo was selected for the role.
As a Car Tutor Jo brings some more balance to the head of the committee with the
Chair - John, being a Motorcycle Tutor.
This position will be subject of selection at the AGM next year
One of the stalwarts, not only of E-YARD, but of the advanced driving community in Hull and East Yorkshire, is Peter Gill.
Pete has been involved with E-YARD (and ERY-RoADAR as it was originally called) for most of it's existence, as a tutor and advisor to the group.
He has had an interesting and exciting life, being a lucky survivor of a major rail disaster and aircraft failures. He was a successful cricketer and top class table tennis player as well as being a qualified yacht master and a master chess player in addition to his driving and motorcycling credentials.
Unfortunately Peter has had serious sports related injuries and as a result of these is currently confined to a wheel chair following breaking his pelvis.
In recognition of his contributions to E-YARD he was presented with a Certificate of Recognition by Jo B, one of his associates who is now qualified to Group Tutor and group Secretary Chris Hood. Peter is also now a lifetime member of E-YARD and will continue to contribute to the group in an advisory capacity.
E-YARD welcomes Pippa Unwin to the group following her social ride with the group Breakfast Club (above).
Pippa was a member of Kent Motorcycle Group (KMG) and served as an observer for them before moving north.
She has a sizable collection of bikes and is currently riding a Versys 300 which may be the bike for her planned Alaska to South American 'Long Way Down' trip!
Other new members welcomed to E-YARD this month were Charlie Lazenby, Simon Bryor and Roger Smelt.
Saturday 8 September saw "Kawasaki Dave" Knowles achieve a well deserved Gold pass in atrocious wet weather conditions. Brilliant result Dave! Congratulations on your brilliant achievement.
The Tutor Team had a long weekend in Scotland mid month, with eight members covering around 5500 miles between them!
The format of the weekend was to practice and assess each other on the journey north.
There was a written exam on the Saturday morning followed by more assessing and performance review, which continued into the Sunday.
Staying in Dumfries E-YARD met up with members of the North Cumbria and South West Scotland RoSPA group for some combined training and exchange of ideas.
There was, of course, time for some sightseeing and social riding with the other group as well as the traditional Ice Cream and Cake!
The weekend resulted in the qualification and appointment of three advanced tutors, Denise "Rosie" Rose, Ian Streets and Dave Hardwick and two group tutors, Andy Trevor and Mark Kelk
Septembers Group meeting took place at a new venue, Beverley and East Riding Golf Club with Mike Brandi delivering an interesting talk on Vehicle Detailing.
With a glorious end to September one of our latest Tutors, Mark K took his first associate out and was assessed by Chris H. No pressure there then!
Meanwhile Rosie took Phil W and Darryl under the watchful eye of Andy T out on the last day of the month. A busy month all in all!
Meanwhile our very own Distinguished Gentleman, Guy, joined the event held in York - What Ho, Old Boy!
October sees E-YARD running another Progressive Driver Development Course with Andy Trevor.
This on Saturday 6 October please contact Andy or any member of the tutor team if you would like a place on this course.
Breakfast Club ride will take place on Sunday 14 October meeting at 8am for breakfast at Beverley Golf Club
The Group Meeting will be on Wednesday 24 October, meeting at 1930hrs at Beverley Golf Club, where Advanced Tutor, Ian Streets, will deliver a presentation on Overtaking