April 2021 Review - Start of Normality?
12 April 2021. A date that should be a national holiday in future years!
This was the date that we were allowed to meet in socially distanced groups of 6. The rule of six. Six people can meet out side. A concept that 13 months earlier would have been an alien concept, but now is a celebration.
It was also the day that opened up the world again after the third Covid lockdown and meant that RoSPA Advanced Driver and Riders East Yorkshire (E-YARD) could commence some form of normal business.
As a result of this, a social rideout, called a Coddiwomple in the group, was arranged for the first Sunday AL (After Lockdown!)
20 members signed up - oops! The group members were contacted before the ride with instruction on which of 4 Covid compliant groups they were to join to keep within the rule of six regulation.
A ride out to Whitby was enjoyed and blew a lot of cobwebs away!
A committee meeting was held to set an AGM date and discuss other club matters on 22 April.
The AGM was pencilled in for the normal meeting night of Wednesday 23 June.
It was also decided that tutors would no longer be charged annual subscription due to the time they give up and the dual cost of RoSPA and E-YARD membership. A small price to pay for some very professional people
On the subject of tutoring, our group tutors were able to return to their associates having been Quality Assessed (QA'd) by the Advanced Tutors of the group, Rosie, Ian Streets and Hoodie.
The trio had already utilised the relaxation in the first stage of lockdown lifting assessing one another to ensure their skills were up to standard. Each of them then assessed each member of the tutor hub after the long break to ensure the standards were being maintianed as well as providing a comfortable environment to bring training skills and riding up to the top level.
Newly quailified Group Tutor Paul Morton "enjoying" his associate Adam - he couldn't wait to get out!
The QA of the tutors allowed new tutor Paul Morton to fully qualify.
RoADAR HQ were updated about the QA/qualification/requalification to ensure our records are up to date with hQ.
The current Tutor Hub has the following members: Advanced Tutors: Denise Rose, Ian Streets, Chris Hood, Group Tutors: Pippa Unwin, Julian Taylor, Mark Kelk, Guy Gregory, Paul Morton, John Wright, Mike Allen, Rod McAndrew(Trainee), Dave Scott(Trainee), Chris Hancock(Trainee), Bob Stephenson (Trainee) and Andy Brittan (Trainee)
E-YARD started to look at suitable destinations for rideouts or driveouts, either as an end destination or as a place to stop and de-brief. A prerequisite of this is that there must be drink and/or cake/sarnie, hence the venues tend to be cafes or similar!
These venues, as recommended by E-YARD members will be referred to by the title of "Recommends by E-YARD".
They are featured on the website: https://www.yard-advanced.org/e-yard-where-to-go
As the lockdown liftdown continues to unfold, the social and training aspects of the club will open up and as such a programme of Coddiwomples throughout 2021 have been published.
These are published on the Facebook page under events and will take place twice a month, bi-weekly alternating between a Saturday and Sunday.
E-YARD would like to welcome new members Darren Stringer, Peter Whitehurst, Dave Rawding, Julian Burton, Jade Clarke, Ian Greenhedge, Mark Little, Vinnie Potts.