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We keep saying "This is the last one of the year..."


..and yet we do another Coddiwomple because the weather is being kind to E-YARD!

November was particularly kind to the club, with unseasonably dry roads and weather making Adam's Howardian Pilgrimage a pleasure of a bimble, even if he was the Goatrider taking the group down some roads which had full lawns down the middle!

With 16 riders attending at Beverley for the 0930 start, it was a bigger group than some mid summer/high season meetings.

Adam led the group from Beverely and out via the back roads to Beadlam Grange for tea and medals!

After a light bite, the next destination was Easingwold via the aforementioned goat tracks which were 'quite challenging'

This time it was an invasion of a small cafe where the biggest slices of Voctoria sponge were the most popular choice for the gang. Hard core bikers!

Another back road blast, as the temperature plummeted and skies decided to darken, terminated at Seaways for a final cuppa and farewell until the next one.

Cracking ride Adam!


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