June Review
Flaming June commenced living up to it's name with lovely sunny weather for the monthly Breakfast Club ride out. Led by Rosie, the group headed off toward Thirsk for a cuppa and then on to Hawes for cheese at the Wensleydale Creamery - Cracking!
As usual, the run didn't go as expected with a collapsing road near Skipton drawing on Rosie - and her famous Sat-Navs - skills....still no water to talk of this time!
The start of the month also saw new member Mark Kelk acheive a Gold motorcycle grading.
Mark has done some of his training with our neighbouring group ARNY, as well as some lessons and pre test assessment with E-YARD.
Mark thanked those involved in his training and is planning to become a group tutor stating "I've been given that much support by everyone, I would love to become a tutor to give something back" A great sentiment Mark
E-YARD once again found some national exposure in the RoSPA Care on the Road magazine. The publication reported on the Advanced Taster Day in April
As the Summer Nights (cue song!) became established, our meeting place, East Coast Motorcycle World flourished as the the sun came out on their Bike Nights.
E-YARD welcomed new members Kerry Kerfoot (cars) and Ivan Smy (bikes) - pictured in addition to David Ward (car) and Rod McAndrew, Darryl Colville, Phil Ward and Dave Richards (bikes)
Humberside Police and Safer Roads Humber continued with their BikeSafe program with the third session of the season.
A full roster of clients wishing to 'Bridge the Gap' met at The Hall in Beverley and after their classroom input were placed with various advanced riders /including our very own Julian Taylor and Rosie for a two hour ride out and assessment.
A good day had by all!
Julian also got out with Ian Streets for a days worth of tutoring that took them all over the North Yorkshire area whilst Rosie was out with Paul Morton and Andy Brittan.
Newly qualified tutor Dave Hardwick got out with Carolyne and Mark (pre test)
Mid June saw Carolyne and Julia doing the 500 mile Iron Butt challenge for Royal British Legion, but not before Carolyne sought more fame in the MCN (Motorcycle News) with an article on her favourite route - Carolyne, you can lead the next Breakfast Club!
Carolyne, with Julia did the 500 mile Iron Butt challenge for Royal British Legion, getting a good soaking, riding through storms for the whole 504 miles of the challenge!
Loony Ladies comes to mind!!
Mark Kelk commenced his tutor training mid month and was thrown in at the deep end shadowing Rosie as she continued with her most difficult task to date - our treasurer Andy B!
The session went well for all parties with Rosie feeding back positives on both Marks skills and those of Andy. And Andy, we'll have the number for Samaritans at the next meeting!
Julian and Rosie really did put the hours in this month with a second BikeSafe at the end of the month attracting the following comment from Howie Fordham the BikeSafe lead
"Please forward my thanks to Rosie and Julian for their support at todays workshop. It was a good day with nine candidates and hopefully some will go onto further training"
Not satisfied with delivering BikeSafe on the Saturday, Rosie was out tutoring again on the Sunday with Julia Nendick. Not sure how quickly the bikes moved after their Eclair stop....
....and then another session with Andy B!
As June started to draw to a close E-YARD continued to deliver with a Gold pass for Ian Streets. Ian is a member of several local motorcycle groups and joined E-YARD about a year ago.
He has been under the watchful eye of Julian. A big congratulations to Ian
E-YARD's monthly meeting took place on the last (fourth) Wednesday of the month and saw Andy Trevor deliver a presentation on Stopping Distances.
In Carolyne Fearons words the meeting was"Fab"
New faces in the form of Phill, Darryl and Kerry along with current members and associates joined in with an interactive lesson covering all aspects from tyres to road surfaces and how they effect our stopping distances. It was indeed a Fab session!
Add that to East Coasts wares and some people had a great night, eh Ian and Dave?!
Rosie was also busy prior to the meeting with a tutor session with Paul in the morning, starting out in overcast conditions before hitting glorious sunshine as the ventured out towards Thornton le Dale via the back roads.
In the afternoon she changed from Tutor to Associate when Andy T took her out as a car trainee! No one ever stops learning!
All in all a great June for the group.
For July, other than the normal tutoring of car and bike associates, we have invitations to more BikeSafe workshops, the Crowle Annual Emergency Services day and Driffield Show as well as the Breakfast Club on 1st July, which is now heading to the Lakes instead of the Borders - Phew! We're only half way through the year!