May 2020 Review
Another month which saw a blanket ban on all official activity due to Coronavirus guidelines....May 2020 was always going to be a hard one to write about!
As May commenced the country was in full lockdown, with only essential journeys for work or medical reasons being allowed.
Some members were working from home, others furloughed and some doing voluntary work.
The government started to ease lockdown restrictions mid month, allowing persons from different households to meet in public areas, one to one, provided they remained socially distanced. The 'essential' aspect of travel was removed to allow people to travel for exercise, picnis or sunbathing.
A call to number 10 by Motorcycle News (MCN) confirmed motorcyclists could ride and meet another rider.
Hoody got out with Rosie and they did a ride assessment on one another.
Ian and Hoody did likewise.
Ian and Rosie then took advantage and, in keeping with the rules had a decent ride out, with each advising on the others ride to make sure they were match fit to resume tutor duties whenever that may.
Official training was still on hold from RoSPA HQ however.
The group hadn't held a meeting since February due to the Covid 19 regulations, so in lieu of this a Messenger Rooms meeting was arranged for the normal meeting night (fourth Wednesday of the month) with a dozen members joining in for a rather informal meeting.
In other news, member Kelvin Turner took delivery of his K1600GT which he hasnt managed to stop waxing lyrical about!
There is a look of Buzz Lightyear about the outfit though...
Our Chair, Mark, who has been working throughout the lockdown, took the opportunity to have a ride with Kelvin, and after the initial excitement of seeing Kelvin's new wheels, re-initiated his love affair with the big Kwak!
AS the month drew to a close Ian received confirmation that the new Tutor Guidance Manuals had been through proof reading and were ready to be published. The booklets, which will be issued only to group Tutors (Bike and Car) will be rolled out when lockdown restrictions are lifted. They are a 'basics' reference for tutors to compliment the Tutor Training Programme
Another little ride out to get a warranty issue resolved on his new bike, (quiet Pippa) Kelvin was had a chance meeting with Ian and Hoody at the Goole marina. Who'd have guessed, eh?
So with June coming along, what's the betting that the weather changes from glorious sunshine as the restrictions are relaxed?