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November 19 Review

Rain, Rain, Go Away... With days and days of extensive flooding and continuous rainfall, it has been a very quiet month, both training and news-wise.

Whilst November wasn't the wettest on record nationally, our area did have one of the worst on record. On several days the rainfall was heavy over East Yorkshire whilst it was dry 30 miles north!

It was however, the month of the national motorcycle show at Motorcycle Live! at the NEC.

Several members of RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders East Yorkshire (E-YARD) attended over the 10 days of the show, drooling over the newly released 'shiny things' and picking up bargains and freebies!

E-YARD were also actively involved in two events during the month, the first being as partner members to Safer Roads Humber and the annual Road Safety Week promotion

Hoody and Dave Pattenden represented E-YARD at the event, which took place on the Leconfield DST (Defence School of Transport) site. A chance to engage with young army drivers, and their supervisors and trainers, and spread the message of Advanced Driving to them at the start of their driving careers.

The following week was another of our local partners 'Big' events, with 5-Ways Motorcycle Centre holding their 'Black Thursday' Big Open Night

Mark, Jo and Jules represented E-YARD, mingling with the invited customers and chatting bikes and advanced riding. Chatting with Tim Robinson of 5-Ways, he said the general feeling toward advanced training seems to have swung over the past few years form being seen as 'niche' and 'boring' to a worthwhile consideration. Whether this is due to more mature riders becoming aware of their mortality, or a swing away from sports-bikes to adventure style machines who knows, but it is a positive thing whatever the reason.

For E-YARD to be able to engage like this at such events is fantastic and may open the minds of those who haven't even heard about advanced tuition.

Hoody was lucky enough to have the opportunity to test one of BMW's latest offering, a 400cc scooter. A full write up on this is on the website blog.

The miserable look was more to do with the lousy weather, not that he was missing his 'big bike' - Honest!!

Rod McAndrew shed his 'associate' status at the beginning of November with a great demonstration of advanced riding on a miserable day. He performed well, securing his qualification on a Triumph 1200 Tiger

Well done and welcome to your subscription to Care on the Road!

Chris and Dave Cross are promoting a raffle with tickets available at £1.00 a go!

They will be available at the Christmas 'Do' on Saturday 7 December at the Golf Club.

On that note, it's still not too late to contact Carolyne Fearon (via Facebook/Messenger)

if you want to attend, cost is £23.95 for a three course Christmas Meal.

New stock of E-YARD key-ring torches has arrived. Priced at £2.50 each, please contact secretary, Chris Hood if you want to order any - plenty on stock, make a great stocking filler!!

There will not be a December meeting as it falls on Christmas Day!

Next group meeting is 22 January 2020 at the Beverley Golf Club, 1930hrs. This will be a presentation and celebration night.

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