IPSGA by Rosie!
E-YARD's monthly meeting for the start of 2018 was held at East Coast Motorcycle World on Wednesday 24 January.
This meeting saw our groups return to East Coast Motorcycle World after a short hiatus and the new meeting night of the fourth Wednesday of the month.
After a brief introduction, Group (Motorcycle) Tutor, Denise 'Rosie' Rose delivered a presentation on the backbone of the system of vehicle control - IPSGA, specifically the Information stage.
An interesting presentation, delivered with power point assistance saw the group members and new attendees alike join in with Rosie's facilitation.
Chris Hood, the group secretary, presented the group with it's Accreditation Certificate, a proud moment for the group as E-YARD are the first accredited group in the UK.
A big thank you was also expressed to Martin Bleasby, the owner of East Coast, for the extended use of his premises for E-YARD meetings. Martin has also agreed to display the Accreditation Certificate in the Cafe and social area of the premises.
Committee members, Andy Trevor (Group - Car - Tutor), Julian Taylor (Training Officer), Dave Pattenden (Advanced - Car Tutor), Andy Brittan (Treasurer), Martin Bleasby, Chris Hood (Secretary), Denise Rose (Group - Motorcycle - Tutor)