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!North Yorkshire Moors Rideout!

Sunday 23 April saw the inaugural rideout of E-YARD, and what a ride it was!

The plan had been to set off from Seaways, Fridaythorpe, at 9:30, with seven riders "signed up" and a car member, Jo Bowers, attending as a pillion with our chair, John Wright.

As usual, with these sort of things, nothing ever goes to plan!

Rosie started her day with a POWDERS check only to discover one of Phillips best lodged in the tyre!

A quick mercy mission by Chris saw the tyre repaired and the group got away for 10:00!

Chris led the group, with Alwyn being observed by Rosie, Dave Knowles being observed by John Wright, with Jo as pillion and potential new associate Gary Harris and Julian T bringing up the rear!

The route took in the Howardian Hills via Malton and out to Ampleforth, before heading to the Yorkshire Gliding Club for lunch.

An hour later the group headed out via Reivaulx intending to stop at Perry's Garden centre at Sleights.

Rosie took the lead as the intended venue was known only to her!

Following her trusty Garmin, the signs "Deep Ford Ahead" were missed and the ford was suddenly there to be crossed. With a depth measure showing a 6" depth across a 20 foot crossing, Chris decided to give it a go. Lots of slipping on the hidden moss followed by a huge billow of steam revealed the depth to be twice that advertised!

By the time he'd got stopped, and before he could get back to warn the others, Rosie had followed along with John and Jo!

Garys shouts for assistance were then heard! They say cats don't like water - well Gary's Thunder Cat appeared to revel in it - layed on it's side like an exhausted salmon!

Water over the top of waterproof bike boots revealed the depth of the ford as Gary's bike was righted and both Gary and Dave's bike were aided in their crossing!

Julian and Alwyn found alternative routes - and kept their feet dry!

After all the excitement Perry's was a must for a slice of cake and coffee!

Gary's socks came off and dried on the riverbank as much mirth and mickey taking went on!

After this interlude Chris resumed leading the ride and Thornton le Dale and ice-cream was the next stop!

A final cross country dash through North Grimston and on to the log cabin at Fimber for a final cuppa and farewell sees the end of a great, if eventful, rideout!

The next planned group rideout is Sunday 28 May - meeting at Humber Bridge at 0930, heading south to the Lincolnshire Wolds

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