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Great Day!

Great day training today!

Two sets of car tutoring with Julian T taking his namesake Julian E out as he prepares for his test, and Chris Hood tutoring Jo Bowers in her bid to qualify as a Group Tutor.

Both set off from different locations but met up at East Coast Motorcycle World at Hutton Cranswick for a cuppa and mid training de-brief.

Whilst at ECMW they were joined by Col Herring, looking to join the group for advanced motorcycle training.

This provided the perfect opportunity for Jules E to be given a lesson by Jo (under observation from Chris) to assess Jo's current level of tutoring and Julian to be given a mid term/pre test assessment at the same time. Jules T was left drinking tea recruiting Col!

Another de-brief after Jo/Jules E drive and more beverage consumption before the tutoring continued and Col made his way to Bridlington on his Kawasaki Z1000.

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